Sunday, May 20, 2012

Oh, Baby! Customized Letterpress Baby Shower Invitations

Customized letterpress printed Baby Shower Invitations with a ZOOPER message!  For a very special customized touch, your baby shower invitations can be printed in two inked colors of your preference and your own text. Please contact me through my Aloha Letterpress Etsy shop for more information.

Two letterpress plates were used for these cards, one for the text and one for the adorable giraffe, bear and lion.
I print each card twice, once for the text and then again for the images.  Inks are specially hand mixed to the colors of your choice. My antique Chandler Price printing press creates a lovely impression of text and images for a deliciously delightful invitation that you can see, feel and touch. Each card is hand printed one card at a time on plush white 100% cotton paper with cover stock weight and a slight texture.  I had such fun designing and printing these baby shower invites!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Newly Printed Personalized Letterpress Cards for Spring

Spring is in  the air!                              Hot off the printing press, these personalized letterpress cards feature delicate cherry blossoms that add such charm to your letter writing. Printed in a pretty pink on cloud white 100% cotton paper.  

The lavender blossoms are also blooming with their lovely scent and delightful purple hues. Say hello to spring! Now available at my Aloha Letterpress shop.

Hawaii is usually known for its hibiscus, plumeria, pikake, lehua, but it is also home to many other pretty blossoms. Way up in Kula,
Alii Lavender Farm features many varieties of beautiful lavender gardens. Walking among the lavender, you can smell their sweet fragrance and feel the brisk upcountry air.   You can also enjoy some tea and lavender scones or arrange for a garden picnic.